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English : Department Profile
Prof. Dr. Ajay Dhawale, Professor and HOD , Dept. of English

The Department of English was established in 1962, coinciding with the inception of the college in 1962. Late Dr. D. V. Togale, Prof. V. V. Upadhye, and Dr. K. S. Iyer played pivotal roles in establishing an enriching academic atmosphere within the department.The PG centre of the department was established in 1978.

Currently, the department offers undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses and has earned recognition as a research canter by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune in 2021.The research centre of the department has 4 recognized research guides and 11 students have been enrolled for Ph.D. program at the department. The department has a well-equipped language laboratory, which is particularly used for giving lessons in phonetics and spoken English. The English Language and Literary Association (ELLA) has been the best practice of the department; ELLA provides a platform to the students to showcase their linguistic as well as literary talents. The department also offers various certificate courses and add-on courses such as ‘Effective Communication Skills in English and Personality Development’ and ‘Basic English Grammar’ for the students. The alumni of the department have a strong bondage with the department. The alumni offer workshops and seminars to current students, making them aware of the skill requirements for jobs.  The departmental library has about 300 books which have been donated by the alumni and the teachers.

Dr. Sachin Gadekar received a minor research project in 2020-21 from the ICSSR, New Delhi, which sanctioned him a grant Rs.3,05,000 for the project. He also completed a project sanctioned by the BCUD, University of Pune. Dr. Gadekar has also authored two books and presented research papers at international conferences held in Indonesia, Italy, and Bangladesh. He is a recognized research guide of the SPPU, and 4 students are pursuing Ph.D. under his guidance.

Dr. Shashank Mane received a minor research project in 2023-24 by the ICSSR, New Delhi and the amount sanctioned for the project is Rs. 3,95,000. He completed a research project sanctioned by the BCUD, University of Pune in 2009. Dr. Mane is the recipient of the DAAD and Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, which enabled him to study and deliver lectures in Germany. Dr. Mane is a recognized research guide by the SPPU, and 3 students are working on their doctoral research under his guidance presently.

Dr. Ajay Dhawale presented a research paper in an international conference held in England in 2018.

Vision: The Department’s vision is to establish itself as a hub of academic excellence by fostering a culture of teaching and research that promotes and cultivates literary appreciation, language proficiency, and critical thinking.

Mission: The Department’s Mission is to offer advanced, career-oriented graduate, postgraduate and research programs that not only provide professional knowledge and employability skills but also cultivate essential life skills. Additionally, it seeks to instil a vision for community growth and development along with a strong foundation in ethical values.

The Department is committed to providing diverse learning and research opportunities in the following key areas:

  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Exploring American Literature
  • Harnessing Technology for Language Teaching
  • Studying Modern and Postmodern Literatures
  • Drama Studies
  • Exploring Indian English Literature

To achieve these goals, the Department employs innovative and technology-enhanced teaching methods, embraces interdisciplinary approaches, encourages fieldwork, and promotes project-based learning. This multifaceted approach aims to build a solid foundation in literary sensibilities and language competence among students.

  1. Highly qualified and experienced teachers
  2. Well established language laboratories and ICT classrooms
  3. Departmental library
Sr. No.Name of TeacherQualificationDesignationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Prof. Dr. Ajay DhawaleHoD Dept. of English, M.A., SET, Ph.D.Professor19View Profile
2.Dr. Sushil DeshmukhM.A., B. Ed. SET, Ph.D.Associate Professor17View Profile
3.Prof. Dr. Sachin GadekarM. A., PGDTE SET, NET, M. Phil., Ph.D.Professor and VP17View Profile
4.Dr. Sunanda ShelakeM.A., Ph.D.Assistant Professor04View Profile
5.Mrs. Smita GoreM.A., B.Ed., SET, PGDTEAssistant Professor25View Profile
6.Dr. Suhas RautM.A., SET, Ph.DAssistant Professor12View Profile
7.Mr. Sandesh RathodM.A., SET, NET, M. Phil.Assistant Professor09View Profile
8.Ms. Komal DeshmukhM.A., SET, M. Phil.Assistant Professor02View Profile
9.Mrs. Ashwini SawantM.A., SETAssistant Professor09View Profile
10.Mis. Sonal KambaleM.A., SET,M.Phil.Assistant Professor09View Profile
  1. Undergraduate:

F.Y.B.A. Courses:

  • Poetry and Minor Forms of English Literature – I and II
  • Phonology of English – I and II
  • English for Practical Purposes – I and II
  • Basic English Grammar – I and II
  • Effective Communication in English and Personality Development – I and II
  • Writing Skill – I and II
  • Functional English – I and II
  • Gender Studies – I and II
  • Beginning of English Studies in India

S.Y.B.A. Courses:

  • Compulsory English
  • General English – II
  • Special English – I
  • Special English – II

S.Y.B.Sc. Courses:

  • Optional English
  • Technical English

T.Y.B.A. Courses:

  • Compulsory English
  • General English – II
  • Special English – III
  • Special English – IV
  1. Postgraduate:

M.A. – I

  • English Literature from 1550-1798 – I and II
  • English Literature from 1798-2000 – I and II
  • English Language Today – I and II
  • History of English Literature – I and II
  • Literary Criticism and Theory – I and II
    • or Cultural Studies – I and II
  • Research Methodology in English

M.A. – II:

  • Indian English Literature
  • Drama in English
  • English Language and Literature Teaching
  • American Literature

Ph.D. Research : 

Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1Ph. D.20212 yrs
  1. Basic English Grammar
  2. Effective Communication Skills and Personality Development
  1. Language Laboratory
  2. ICT Classrooms
  3. Departmental Library
  4. E-journals
  • Research Centre details
  • Guideship Details:
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1Dr. Shashank ManeLiterature3
2Dr. Sachin GadekarLiterature4
  • Research Projects Sanctioned to Faculty:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1Dr. Sachin GadekarA Poignant and Subtle Study of the Conflict between Material Interest and Moral Idealism in Joseph Conrad’s Selected NovelsBCUD, University of Pune, PuneRs. 50,0002 years2008Completed
Socio-Cultural Representation in the Selected Plays of Post-independence Indian Women Dramatists in EnglishICSSR, New DelhiRs. 3,05,0002 years2021Completed
2Dr. Shashank ManeThe Depiction of the Mysterious Characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Selected Short StoriesBCUD, University of PuneRs. 50,0002 years2008Completed
Depiction of ‘New Woman’ in Selected Short Stories by Indian Women Writers After IndependenceICSSR, New DelhiRs. 3,95,0001 year2023Ongoing
  • Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1Dr. Sachin GadekarJoseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: A Critical Study of the Theme, Narrative Technique and CharacterizationPrestige Books International: New Delhi2019
Cultural Memory and Post Colonialism A Study of African and South Asian NovelsEkpyrosis Press: Kalamazoo, MI, USA2022






  • Welcome function
  • Poetry Recitation Competition
  • Elocution Competition
  • Enacting a Scene Competition
  • Study tour
  • Seminars
  1. Komal Deshmukh qualified SET and NET
  2. Kiran Katkar qualified SET
  3. Shraddha Jadhav got job in ICICI bank.
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. PRABHANJAN BABURAO MANEM.A.1998Shivaji University, KolhapurProfessor of English
2Mr. MAHADEV DNYANADEV KAREBA2002Government of MaharashtraAssistant Public Prosecutor
3Mr. Sachin Tukaram NanawareBA2002Government of IndiaNotary Officer
4Mr. Bapu Manik SalunkheBA2002Maharashtra PolicePolice Inspector Anti Corruption Bereau
5Mr. Sachin Namdev GadekarMA2004Tuljaram Chaturchand CollegeProfessor and Vice Principal
6Mr. Navanath Subhedar JagtapBA2006Diamond Dhanwantari Distribution Pvt. Ltd.Super Executive

Head, Department of English:

P. G. Coordinator Dept. of English:

  • Name: Dr. Sushil Deshmukh
  • Email: 
  • Mo.No.: 8669840880

Facebook page : Department of English, T.C.College

Marathi : Department Profile
Prof. Dr. Seema Naik-Gosavi Professor and HOD , Dept. of Marathi

Baramati city is blessed and purified by the footprints of grade poets Kavivarya Moropant and Shreedhar Swami. In this holy city Anekant Education Society has started the than named, Baramati  college,  now known as Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce.

On 23 June 1962, college was started with the auspicious hands of the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Late. Shri. Yashwantrao Chavan. Marathi Department, Was Principal Dr. SubhashChandra Akkole. It was followed by Dr. Dayaram Patil, Mr. Nilkanth Londhe, Mr. Dhananjay Shah and Mr. Prabhakar Ghere, Dr. Ranajna Nemade & Present Head of The Department Marathi Proff. Dr. Seema Naik-Gosavi. The department has great and enriched historical and cultural legacy.

Vision : दृष्टी

१) मराठी भाषा आणि साहित्याची सर्जनशील लेखनासंबंधीची जाणीव विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये विकसित करणे.
२) विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये नवनिर्मिती, रोजगाराभिमुख भाषावापराची कौशल्ये विकसित करणे.
३) प्रसारमाध्यमांसाठी लेखनक्षमता विकसित करणे.
४) मराठी भाषा आणि तिच्या बोलींचेसंकलन व संवर्धन करणे.

Mission – ध्येय
१) विद्यार्थ्यांना मराठी भाषा आणि साहित्यसंशोधनास प्रेरित करणे.
२) साहित्याच्या अभ्यासातून विद्यार्थ्यांच्या सूक्ष्म विश्लेषक व चिकित्सक अभ्यास करण्याच्या क्षमतेमध्येवाढ करणे.
३) राष्ट्रउभारणीच्या दृष्टीनेसंवेदनशील, सुसंस्कृत, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक आणि राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांचे संवर्धन, पर्यावरण संरक्षण करणारा, सामाजिक भान असणारा एक जबाबदार नागरिक निर्माण करणे.

1. Research Center (All Faculty Members have completed Ph.D. Degree two Faculty Members are Research Guide.)
2. Faculty Book Publication.
3. Academic Administration (Dean, CDC, Vice Principal, Ladies Hostel, YCMOU Coordinator, IQAC Membar).
4. Kojagari Kavya Maihfil.
5. Asmita Bhittipatrak.
6. Two students Of The Department – Gold Medals.

Sr. No.Name of
DesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Prof. (Dr.) Seema Naik- GosaviHoD Dept. of Marathi, Dean Faculty of ArtsM.A., B.Ed., NET, SET, Ph.D.29View Profile
2.Dr. Nitish SawantAssociate ProfessorM.A., NET, Ph.D.29View Profile
3.Dr. Mukta AmbhereAssociate ProfessorM.A., NET, SET, Ph.D.21View Profile
4.Dr. Sunil KhamgalAssistant ProfessorM.A., M.Phil. , Ph.D. , SET17View Profile
5.Dr. Rajkumar TaradeAssistant ProfessorM.A., B.Ed, SET, M.PHIL, Ph.D.06View Profile
6.Dr. Sushama R. Jadhav Assistant ProfessorM.A., B.Ed, M.PHIL, Ph.D.11View Profile
  1. Undergraduate
  2. Postgraduate
  3. Ph.D.
Sr.No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDurationIntake Capacity
1.UndergraduateJune 1962till today--
2.PostgraduateJune1970till today--
M.A - I60
M.A –II60
3Ph.D. ResearchJune 2021-2022till today12
  4. Girls Students Personality Development Workshop, Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan, in addition department coordinates Gender & Development course run by women’s study (SPPU)
  • Research Centre Establishment :- Research Centre was started from June 2021-22  8th student doing Ph.D. under guidance of Prof. Dr. Seema Naik – Gosavi.
  • Area of Specialization :- Poetry, Novels, Autobiography, Gramin Sahitya, Dalit Sahitya, Adivasi Sahitya, Women & Gender Studies, Girls Students Personality Development Workshop, Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan, in addition department coordinates Gender & Development course run by women’s study.
  • Guideship details
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1Prof. Dr. Seema Naik-Gosavipoetry, women & Gender Studies08
2Dr. Sunil khamgalGramin Sahitya-
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty : –
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFundin g AgencyAmountDurationSanctione d YearStatus
1Dr. Ranjana NemadeMarathi Sahityatil Rajkeey KadambariUGC65000/-2011-20132011Completed
2Prof,Dr. Seema Naik-GosaviRajani Parulekaranchya Kavitetil Sanwedanvedanshilteche vegalepanBCUD80000/-2013-20152013Completed
3Dr.Sand ip TapkirShri sant sana nhavi yanche laukik charitra ani wangmay yancha shodha ani parspar anubandhBCUD80000/-2013-20152013Completed
  • Book Publication: – 
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Prof. Dr. Seema Naik-Gosaviदलित कवयित्रींची कवितालक्ष्मी बुक पब्लिकेशन ,सोलापूर.2009
इये मराठीचिये नगरीक्रांती प्रकाशन, बारामती1995
सेट-नेट व जे.आर.एफ.परीक्षा मराठी पेपर क्रमांक -3समीक्षा प्रकाशन,नाशिक2014
सेट-नेट व जे.आर.एफ.परीक्षा मराठी पेपर क्रमांक -1समीक्षा प्रकाशन,नाशिक2014
2.Dr. Mukta Rajendra Ambhereआदिवासी साहित्य : कादंबरी आणि स्त्रीShri. Girish Bhandvalkar Paris Publication Saswad, Pune.Nov. 2021
शोध अस्तित्वाचाShri. Girish Bhandvalkar Paris Pblicatiion Sasvad, Pune.Oct. 2022
3.Dr. Sunil khamgalग्रामीण प्रादेशिक कादंबरीतील बोलीभाषाYashodeep Publication, Pune2015
4.Dr. Rajkumar Taradeडॉ. सुनीलकुमार लवटे : साहित्यिक अनुशीलनभाग्यश्री प्रकाशन, कोल्हापूरसप्टेंबर २०२३

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2023-24 : View

  1. Kojagari Kavya Maihfil.
  2. Asmita Bhittipatrak.
  3. Vachan Prerana Din.
  4. Marathi Bhasha Gaurav Din.
  5. Marathi Bhasha Samvardhan pandharwada.
  1. COLLABORATION- Department Of Media And Communication Studies, T.C. COllege Baramati. (2022-2023).
  2. MOU- Ragini Foundation, Baramati (2022-2023).

The Department is proud of the following students who got the Gold Medals from the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Sr.No.Name of studentsPrize
1Dr. Kranti GosaviGold Medal for B.A. and M.A. (May 2002) Ph.D. 2023
2Poonam SonawaneGold Medal for B.A. (May 2008)
3Sharad MakarMaharashtra rajya sahitya sanskriti mandal- Bhasha Salagar Samiti sadasya
4Girish BhadwalkarPublisher
5Vijay MahadikMPSC- Selected Officer 2023
6Archana SatavAuthor & Rajmata jijau rastriya Gaurav Puraskar 2023
7Ashwini Khardekar-Dixitkartuta wan shikshak puraskar 2023
8Dr. Balasaheb GardiOff. Principal, Rayat Shikshan Sanstheche, Annasaheb Awate College, Manchar. (2023)
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mrs. Ranjana Shrikant NemadeM.A.1984Anekant Education Society, Tujaram Chaturchand College arts, commerce and science, college , BaramatiAssociate Professor
2Mr. Balu Pandurang GardiM.A.1998Ryat Education Institution, Annasaheb Awte College, MancharPra. Principal
3Mrs. Kranti Haresh Gosavi-PaithankarM.A.2001Chandamal Tarachand Bora College Shirur Distt. Pune - 412210Assistant Professor
4Mr. Sunil kashinath KhamgalM.A.2001Anekant Education Society, Tujaram Chaturchand College arts, commerce and science, college , BaramatiAssistant Professor
5Mr. Sharad Dattatray MakarM.A.2002Language Advisory Committee Maharashtra Govt.Language Consultant
6Mrs. Poonam Narayan SonawaneM.A.2010Department of Women Welfare and Child Development Government of Maharashtra.Administrative Supervisor Maharashtra Govt.

Head, Department of Marathi:

Hindi : Department Profile
Dr. Pradeep Sarvade Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept. of Hindi

सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विश्वविद्यालय के अंतर्गत ग्रामीण परिवेश के छात्रों को उच्च शिक्षा देने हेतु बारामती में अनेकांत एज्युकेशन सोसायटी के तुळजाराम चतुरचंद महाविद्यालय की स्थापना 1962 ई. में हुई। इसी वर्ष से महाविद्यालय में कला शाखा के अंतर्गत विभिन्न विषयों के पाठ्यक्रमों की शुरुआत की गई। महाविद्यालय के हिंदी विभाग में स्नातक तथा प्रथम वर्ष वाणिज्य में हिंदी विषय 1974 ई. में विशेष रूप से शुरू हुआ।

छात्रों की सुविधा की दृष्टि से 1980 ई. में हिंदी विभाग द्वारा स्नातकोत्तर स्तर की शुरुआत की गई। हिंदी विभाग निरंतर उन्नति के पथ पर क्रियाशील रहा है, जिसमें अनुभवी एवं उच्च विभूषित अध्यापकों का अनमोल योगदान रहा है। इसकी परिनीति 2022 ई. में हिंदी विभाग को अनुसंधान केंद्र की मान्यता प्राप्त हुई। विभाग में अनुसंधान केंद्र के अंतर्गत 06 छात्र  Ph. D. का संशोधन कार्य कर रहे हैं हिंदी विभाग में हिंदी भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार के साथ ही छात्रों में हिंदी के प्रति रुचि बढाने हेतु विभिन्न समारोहों का आयोजन किया जाता हैं, जिसमें हर साल हिंदी दिवस, हिंदी सप्ताह, विश्व हिंदी दिवस, हिंदी के सुप्रसिद्ध साहित्याकारों की जयंती, विशेष व्याख्यान, कार्यशाला, चर्चासत्र, संगोष्ठी, अध्ययन यात्रा, विभिन्न प्रतियोगिता आदि का आयोजन किया जाता हैं।

साथ ही विभाग द्वारा छात्रों को रोजगार की दृष्टि से सेट-नेट, एम.पी.एस.सी., यु.पी.एस.सी., हिंदी राजभाषा अधिकारी, बँकिंग, हिंदी अनुवादक आदि स्पर्धात्मक परीक्षाओं का मार्गदर्शन किया जाता है। जिसके  फल स्वरूप कु. वंदना काटे और कु. स्नेहलता खडके इन 02 छात्राओं ने सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा एम. ए. की परीक्षा में सुवर्ण पदक प्राप्त किया है। एम.पी.एस.सी. की  तहत 02 छात्र पुलिस उपनिरीक्षक (PSI), 01 छात्र सहाय्यक लेखा अधिकारी तथा BSF में 01 छात्र कोब्रा कमांडो के पद पर कार्यरत है। विभाग के 12 छात्रों ने सेट-नेट परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त की है। साथ ही विभिन्न महाविद्यालयों में अध्यापक के रूप में तथा प्रशासकीय पदों पर विभाग के छात्र कार्यरत हैं।

दृष्टि(VISION ) :

  • उच्च शिक्षा द्वारा ज्ञानवृद्धि और मानवीय गुणों का सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक, राजनीतिक तथा आर्थिक सभी दृष्टियों से विकास करना।
  • हिंदी को विश्वस्तरीय भाषा बनाने, साहित्यिक और भाषाई धाराओं को बढ़ावा देने, भाषा से जुड़े समृद्धि, सांस्कृतिक विकास को प्रोत्साहित करने की दिशा देना।
  • हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य को मानकों में उच्च स्थान पर ले जाएं, साथ ही हिंदी के उपयोग को समृद्ध, सामाजिक और आर्थिक विकास का एक महत्वपूर्ण साधन बनाया जाए।
  • हिंदी भाषा साहित्य, शिक्षा और सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्रों में अग्रणी बनाए रखना और भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार को बढ़ावा देना।

मिशन (Mission) :

  • उच्च शिक्षा की विभिन्न शाखाओं से ज्ञान प्राप्त कराकर एक सुजान नागरिक निर्माण कराना।
  • हिंदी साहित्य के माध्यम से मानवीय मूल्यों का विकास करना।
  • हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य को संरक्षित रखना, उसे प्रोत्साहित करना और उसका प्रचार-प्रसार बढ़ाना, साथ ही भाषा के उपयोग को बढ़ावा देना।
  • हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य के माध्यम से समुदाय को जोड़ने और प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए बढ़ावा देना।
  • हिंदी भाषा से संबंधित कार्यों को प्रोत्साहित करना और भाषा के प्रयोग को सुधारना है।
  • भाषा, साहित्य, और सांस्कृतिक विकास को बढ़ावा देना ।

उद्देश्य (Objectives) :

  1. छात्रों की सर्जनात्मक शक्ति का विकास करना।
  2. साहित्य की विविध विधाओं के माध्यम से छात्रों का भावात्मक विकास करना।
  3. राष्ट्रीय ऐक्य, सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व, वैज्ञानिकता आदि मूल्यों के प्रति छात्रों का ध्यान आकर्षित करना।
  4. छात्रों में कम्प्यूटर, वेबसाइट आदि तकनीकी दृष्टि का विकास करना|
  5. छात्रों में भाषिक कौशल का विकास करना।

1. सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विश्वविद्यालय के अंतर्गत आनेवाले इस महाविद्यालय का हिंदी विभाग क्रियाशील और प्रसिद्ध है।

2. विभाग से उत्तीर्ण छात्र विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में उच्च पद पर कार्य कर रहें हैं।

3. विभाग के सभी अध्यापक डॉक्टरेट तथा बेस्ट लेक्चरर है।

4. हिंदी विभाग को रिसर्च सेंटर की मान्यता प्राप्त है।

5. रोजगार की दृष्टि से सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स हिंदी विभाग में लिए जाते है।

6. अध्ययनशील पाठ्यक्रम तैयार करके सामान्य छात्रों तक पहुचाने में विभाग अग्रेसर है।

Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Dr. Pradip SarvadeAsst.
25View Profile
2.Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Bensode Asst.
M.A.,SET,M.Phil,Ph.D.30View Profile
3.Dr. Bansing BhoiAsst.
M.A.,B.Ed.,Tran.Dip., M.Phil.,NET,SET, Ph.D.4View Profile
  1. Undergraduate
  2. Postgraduate
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.A.19743 Years
2.M.A.19802 Years
3.Ph.D.20223 Years
  1. Ph. D. Research Centre.
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars RegisteredPass out
1डॉ.प्रदीप रेवाप्पा सरवदेउपन्यास01 (Ph. D.)00
2.डॉ. प्रतिभा आनंदराव जावळेनाटक01 (Ph. D.)00
3.डॉ. सुनील बापू बनसोडेउपन्यास और कहानी05 (Ph. D.)03 (Ph. D.) (M.Phil.)

4. Certificate Course

Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDurationIntake Capacity
1.अनुवाद सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स2019-20201 Year60
2.निवेदन कौशल्य सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स2022-202315 Month60


  1. स्नातकोत्तर स्तर पर स्कील डेव्हपमेंट पाठ्यक्रम।
  2. व्याख्यान, वक्तृत्व, काव्यवाचन आदि का आयोजन।
  1. विभागीय ग्रंथालय।
  2. विषय विशेषतज्ञ व्याख्यान, कार्यशाला, चर्चासत्र, संगोष्ठी का आयोजन।
  3. अनुसंधान केंद्र (रिसर्च सेंटर) ।
  •  Research Centre Detail: सन 2022-23 में हिंदी विभाग को अनुसंधान केंद्र (रिसर्च सेंटर) की मान्यता प्राप्त हुई है। इसी महाविद्यालय तथा अन्य महाविद्यालय के कुल छह अध्यापक इस केंद्र में मार्गदर्शक के रूप में कार्य कर रहें हैं। इन मार्गदर्शकों के मार्गदर्शन में 06 छात्र  संशोधन का कार्य कर रहे हैं। विभाग में छात्रों की सुविधा हेतु समृद्ध ग्रंथालय के साथ कंप्यूटर, इंटरनेट तथा प्लेगारिझ्म जैसे सॉफ्टवेअर की सुविधा भी उपलब्ध है।
  • Guide ship Details:
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1.Dr. Sarvade Pradeep RevappaUpnyas01
2.Dr. Jawale Pratibha AnandraoNatak01
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1.Dr. Sarvade Pradeep२० वीं शती के अंतिम दशक के उपन्यासों में चित्रित दलित विमर्शBCUD SPPU, Pune Minor50,000/2012-142014completed
  • Book Publication :
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.डॉ. प्रदीप सरवदेसूरजपाल चौहान कृत 'नया ब्राम्हण ' एक अनुशीलनविनय प्रकाशन, कानपुर2016
अम्बेडकरवादी चिंतन और दलित उपन्यासशुभम पब्लिकेशन, कानपुर2018
2.डॉ. प्रतिभा जावळेदलितनारी विषयक साठोत्तर हिंदीनाटक : एक अनुशीलनअन्नपूर्णा प्रकाशन ,कानपुर2017
3.प्रो.(डॉ.) सुनील बनसोडेश्रवनकुमार गोस्वमि का औपन्यासिक समाजशास्त्रविद्या प्रकाशन, कानपुर2011
कवि जयप्रकाश कर्दम एक अध्ययनविनय प्रकाशन, कानपुर2014
साहित्य, समाज और हिंदी सिनेमाशुभम प्रकाशन, कानपुर2015
आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्य : चर्चित आयामशुभम प्रकाशन, कानपुर2018

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2023-2024 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2022-2023 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2021-2022 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2020-2021 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2019-2020 : View

1. प्रेमचंद जयंती
2. स्वागत समारोह
3. हिंदी दिवस समारोह
4. हिंदी सप्ताह
5. विश्व हिंदी दिवस
6. युवा महोत्सव
7. अध्ययन यात्रा
8. बिदाई समारोह

  1. 2 Gold Medal Student
  2. NET, SET Exam.Qualified
  3. Ph.D. Degree Awarded

पूर्व छात्र: हिंदी विभाग में भूतपूर्व छात्रों का एक संघठन बनाया गया है। जिसकी एक  समिति गठित की गई है, जो कार्यान्वित है। हर साल इन छात्रों का सम्मेलन आयोजित किया जाता है । हमें गर्व है कि विभाग के छात्र उच्च पद पर कार्य कर रहें है। हर साल विभाग को निधि तथा पुस्तक रूप में भेंट देकर अपना कर्तव्य निभाते  है।

Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Suresh Changadev SalunkeB.A.1976Shri Bhairvanath Shikshan Madal, Undavadi, Tal - Baramati, Dist - PuneDirector
2Mr. Achut Sadhu ShindeB.A.1992M. S. Kakade College, Someshwar Nagar, Tal - Baramati, Dist - PuneAssociate Professor
3Mr. Gorakh Nivrutti ThoratM.A.1993S.P. COllege, PuneProfessor
4Mr. Nitin Chandrakant DhavadeB.A.1997Phalatan Education Society's Mudhoji College, Phalatan, Dist - SataraProfessor
5Mr. Manohar Appaso JamdadeM.A.2002Sahebrao Shankarrao Dhamdhere Arts & Com. College, Talegaon Dhamdhere, Tal- Shirur, Dist PuneProfessor
6Mr. Nilesh Natha BagavB.A.2007Maharashtra PoliceAsst. Police Inspector

Head, Department of Hindi:

P. G. Coordinator Dept. of Hindi:


Geography : Department Profile
Dr. Arun S. Magar Associate Professor and HOD ,Dept. of Geography

The Department of Geography is a dynamic and innovative academic unit committed to advancing Earth sciences through education, research, and community engagement. Founded in 1962, our department boasts a rich history of pushing the boundaries of knowledge in Geography.

We launched the B.A. Geography program in 1963, followed by the introduction of the M.A./M.Sc. Geography program in 2019.In 2023, we established a dedicated research centre in Geography, marking a significant milestone  in  our  pursuit  of  excellence.  Our department’s primary focus has always been the holistic development of our students, achieved through the introduction of  skill  and  employability- oriented courses. Additionally, we have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IIRS_ISRO, Dehradun, to facilitate  outreach programs for both our staff and students.

Our department is actively engaged in organizing seminars, workshops, and hands-on training programs covering various aspects of Geography, such as Remote Sensing, GIS, DGPS,  and  Drone  Surveys.  We also take pride in our Nature Club, which extends our activities beyond the college and into rural areas. Moreover, we offer dedicated support for students and staff through our welfare cell and career guidance center, specifically tailored to Geography students.

It’s worth mentioning that many of our alumni have gone  on  to  excel  in various professional fields, occupying prominent positions.

VISION: The Department of Geography envisions a future where geography is a cornerstone of understanding and addressing the pressing challenges of our world. We aspire to be a global leader in geographical research, education, and community engagement, contributing to a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient planet.

MISION: In pursuit of this vision, we are committed to excellence in teaching, research, and community service. We will continue to nurture a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity among our students. Our research will drive positive change, and our engagement with communities will create meaningful impacts.

  1. Qualified and experienced faculty
  2. IIRS-ISRO Outreach Programme
  3. Practical and skill based courses
  4. Fieldwork and study tours
  5. Research Opportunities (Research centre)
  6. Courses of Geospatial Technologies
  7. Community Engagement and Extension Activities (Nature Club)
  8. Students and Staff Welfare Cell
  9. Career Guidance Cell
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Dr. Arun S. MagarHead and Associate ProfessorM.A., NET. Ph.D.15 YearsView Profile
2.Dr. Asaram S. JadhavAssociate ProfessorM.A., NET. Ph.D.15 YearsView Profile
3.Mr. Vinayak D. ChavanAssistant ProfessorM.A., SET. NET.05 YearsView Profile
4.Ms. Sayali B. PawarAssistant ProfessorM.A. SET.01 YearView Profile
5.Ms. Aisha S. TamboliAssistant ProfessorM. A.01 YearView Profile
6.Ms. Priyanka S. PawarAssistant ProfessorMA Geography--View Profile
  1. Undergraduate: B.A. Geography
  2. Postgraduate: M.A./M.Sc. Geography
  3. Ph.D. Research: Ph. D. in Geography
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDurationIntake Capacity
1.B. A. Geography19623/4 Years--
2.M.A./M.Sc. Geography2019Two Years24
3.Ph. D. in Geography20233-6 Years--
  1. GEO-102-MJM: Practical in Physical Geography
  2. GEO-116-OE: Principles of Remote Sensing-I
  3. GEO-117-OE: Principles of Geoinformatics-I
  4. GEO-121-VSC: Land Surveying & Measurement
  5. GEO-126-SEC: Fundamentals of Google Earth
  6. UAGG 233 Practical in Elements of Map making and Surveying
  7. GEOSPL 3503 Practical in Map Reading and Map Making
  8. GEOSPL 3603 Practical in Statistical Techniques
  9. GEO-503-MJM: Practical in Geomorphology
  10. PAGG 234 Practical In GIS
  11. PAGGSEC01 Advanced Technical in Google Earth
  1. Automatic weather Station
  2. Advanced Surveying Instruments
  3. Research Laboratory
  4. Study Tours and Field Projects
  5. Nature Club to carry our extension activities
  6. Internet access to students
  7. Students Welfare Cell
  8. Parent Teacher Meetings
  9. IIRS-ISRO Courses
  10. Students Grievance and Suggestion Box
  11. Career Guidance Cell


The research centre in  Geography  is  established  in  2023  and  it  is  affiliated to the Savitribai Phule  Pune  University  (SPPU),  Pune.  The  research  centre has well equipped laboratory with Geomorphology and Soil  Science instruments. Research is undertaken in the area of  Geomorphology, Climatology,  Economic  Geography  and  Population  and   Settlement Geography.

  • Guideship Details :
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1Dr. Arun S. MagarGeomorphology03
2Dr. Asaram S. JadhavPopulation and Settlement Geography02
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty : NA
  • Book Publication : 
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Dr. Arun S. MagarGeography of Maharashtra (Physical)Nirali (Pune)2020
2.Dr. Arun S. MagarEnvironmental GeographyNirali (Pune)2021
3.Dr. Asaram S. JadhavStatistical Techniques for GeographyPritam Publication, Jalgaon2022



  1. Geography Day
  2. Seminars/workshops/hands-on training  programmes
  3. Students and Staffs felicitation on their achievements
  4. Personal guidance to the students
  5. Study tours and community surveys
  6. Remedial Coaching and bridge courses
  7. Extension activities through Nature Club
  8. IIRS-ISRO Outreach programmes
  • Department Activities – 2019-23 – View
  1. Department of Geography had made MoU with the IIRS-ISRO.
  2. Geography Department MoU with Graphias Solution Pvt. Ltd, Pune.
  3. Geography Department MoU with Knowhere Geomatics Pvt. Ltd Pune
Sr. NoStudents NameBatchAchievement Details
1.Vinayak Dadasaheb ChavanBA 2016SET 2019 NET 2019 Assistant Professor at T C College Baramati
2.Rushikesh Bapurao AtoleMA 2019Junior Clerk at Mantralaya
3.Lahu Vithhal RathodMA 2020Research and Evaluation Associate , United Nations Development Programme
4.Aniket Anand SonawaneMA 2022Maharashtra Police
5.Sandeep Vijay BhosaleBA 2016Manager at Meditune Pharma Limited
6.shahaji Anna RandhwanBA 2016Assistant Manager NGO Lighthouse Communities Foundation
7.Nilesh dattatray KalokheBA 2016Medical Relationship Manger D.Y Patil Medical College Pune
8.Rahul ShindeBA 2012SRPF
9.Yogesh KambleBA 2013Maharashtra Police
10.Kranti Ashok MhaskeBA 2013Postal Assistant, Indian Post
11.Aiasha shakil TamboliMA 2023Assistant Professor at T C College Baramati
12.Aysha Akbar MulaniMA 2023Assistant Professor at T C College Baramati
13.Archana Pandurang DhumalMA 2023Assistant Professor at Shardabai Pawar College Malegaon
14.Tejaswini BobadeMA 2022Assistant Professor at Ransing College Kalamb.
15.Shingate Sachin HanmantBA 2016SET 2023 GIS Expert at Bhumi Abhilekh Thane
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Jawahar Laxmanrao ChaudharyBA1985M S Kakade College SomeshwarHead and Professor
2Mr. Rajaram Haribhau ChaoudharBA1889V P College BaramatiHead and Associate professor
3Ms. Kranti Ashok MhaskeBA2013Indian Post Baramati BranchOffice Assistant Division Office
4Mr. Shahaji Anna RandhawanBA2016Lighthouse communities foundationAssistant manager
5Mr. Rushikesh Bapurao AtoleBA2019Maharastra MantralayaJunior Clerk
6Mr. Lahu Vitthal RathodMA2021United Nations Development Programme IndiaResearch and Evaluation Associate

Head, Department of Geography:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Geography:

IQAC  Coordinator Dept. of Geography:

  • Name: Dr. Asaram S. Jadhav
  • Email:
  • Mo.No.:  7058085930
History : Department Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Tardalkar Associate Professo of History and HOD , History

Prof. Dr. Sandeep Tardalkar heads the department of history, guiding students on their journey towards following a passion for history. Established in 1962, the department has seen numerous generations of students pass through its doors.


The pass percentage of the department stands at 89% and it is testimony to the fact that the department has a group of dedicated teachers who work hard to make sure the students receive the best and latest education.

Mission : “At the heart of our Department of History lies an unwavering mission. We are dedicated to the relentless pursuit of historical truth and understanding. Our mission is to foster a deep appreciation for the past, cultivating critical thinking, and nurturing the minds of scholars and students alike. We aim to inspire curiosity, to illuminate the complexities of human history, and to equip generations with the tools to navigate the present and shape the future. Through research, education, and a commitment to preserving the heritage of humanity, we stand as stewards of knowledge, guiding the way for those who seek to unravel the profound tapestry of history.”

Vision: “Our vision for the Department of History is nothing short of transformative. We aspire to be the vanguards of historical exploration, where the past is a boundless source of inspiration and enlightenment. In our vision, the corridors of our department resonate with the echoes of history, inviting scholars, students, and enthusiasts to embark on a timeless journey. We envision a future where the lessons of the past are not confined to textbooks but are alive in every thought, decision, and action. We strive to create an environment where the past fuels innovation, empathy, and a deeper connection to the human experience. Our vision is to be the beacon that guides us through the labyrinth of time, illuminating the path toward a more enlightened and harmonious world.”

  1. Departmental Library
  2. Qualified Staff
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. YrsPhotoBio-Data
1.Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep TardalkarHead & Associate ProfessorM.A.SET, Ph.D.27View Profile
2.Prof. (Dr.) Sunildatta LokhandeAssistant ProfessorM.A., Ph.D.26View Profile
3.Mr. Digvijay MohiteAssistant ProfessorM.A., B.ed., SET09View Profile
4.Mrs. Shobha KanadeAssistant ProfessorM.A., B.ed., SET08View Profile
  1. Bachelor .of Arts in History
  2. Master of Arts in History
  3. Ph. D. Research Center : Initialization is in progress
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.A.19623 Year
2.M.A.19872 Year


  1. Travel & Tourism
  2. Tourism Management
  3. Food Tourism in India
  4. Modi Script
  1. Computer -03
  2. Table – 04
  3. Chair – 13
  4. Cupboard  – 03
  5. Map – 68
  6. Stool – 02
  7. Rack – 01


  • Guideship_Details
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1.Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep TardalkarSocial History of Modern IndiaNil
2.Prof. (Dr.) Sunildatta LokhandeUrban History of Modern MaharashtraNil

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2024-2025  : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2023-2024 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2022-2023 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021-2022 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2020-2021 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2019-2020 : View

  • Sculptures from local history
  • Importance and Scope of history
  • Bhatkanti sahyagri aani arannyachi
  • Study Tour Kharda
  • Study Tour Pratapgad
  • My Entrepreneurial Journey
  • History Talent Search Exam
  • Partition of India and its After life
  • Study tour – Loni-Bhapkar
  • Chh.Shiwaji Maharaj Ek Vichar
  1. ‘‘Vasundhara’’ Bhasha, Modi Lipi Sanvardhan Ani Sanshodhan Kendra, Pune (Registration No.E. 5817)
  1. Sapkal Kiran Shankar – Deputy Education officer
  2. Aavhgade Ganesh – Mumbai Police
  3. Khumbar Dipali Sakharam – Mumbai Police
  4. Swroop Bhujbal – Police Sub Inspected
  5. Srieepad Unde – Research Scholar
  6.  Kumbhar Tushar – Health Worker
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Prin. Nandkumar NikamB.A.1981Shirur Education society, Shirur, Pune.Joint Secretary
2Prof. (Dr.) Shyamrao GhadgeM.A.1993Vidya PratishthanVice Principal & HOD
3Prof. (Dr.) Hanumant SartapeM.A.2007ACS College Navapur Dist. NandurbarAssistant Professor
4Adv.(Mr.) Amol SonawaneB.A.2009SSP Paranda Court and Barmati District and Session CourtSpecial Public Prosecutor and Lawyer
5Prof. (Mr.) Vishal GawadeM.A.2009Giristhan Arts and Commerce College, MahabaleshwarAssistant Professor
6Prof. (Mr.) Digvijay MohiteM.A.2009Anekant Education SocietyAssistant Professor

Head, Department of History:

PG Coordinator-M.A. History:


Psychology : Department Profile
Dr. Vijaykumar Shinde  Associate Professor and HOD , Dept. of Psychology

In the college Psychology department has started at general level, seems 1972 Department of Psychology started the degree program with specialization. In the academic year 2009-2010 Department has started the post graduate program with clinical psychology as specialization.

Department has associated with Spectrum energizing centre Baramati. Department has various best practices like counselling cell, Ph.D. research centre, student research project scheme internship program of clinical cases. Department has more than 170 psychological test are available like Intelligence, aptitude, personality, adjustment well being etc. In 2019 department has started certificate course in growth and development psychology. Every year department has celebrate Suicide prevention day, world mental health day, Science day   on these days department organized Guest lectures, workshops, Panel discussion, poster exhibition and street play activities. The Department has a counselling cell that provide consultancy services in counselling to students, teachers, non-teaching staffs, & external stakeholders.


“To be a leading center of excellence in psychology education, research, and practice, committed to advancing our understanding of the human mind and behaviour.”


  • To provide high-quality education and training in psychology, fostering critical thinking and research skills among our students.”
  • To conduct cutting-edge research in various domains of psychology, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • To promote the well-being and mental health of individuals and communities through evidence-based psychological interventions.”
  • To engage with and serve the community by providing expertise, resources, and support in matters related to psychology.”
  • To uphold ethical standards and diversity, equity, and inclusion in all our endeavours.

Please note that the specific vision and mission of a psychology department will depend on the goals and values of the institution it is part of.

  1. Well Qualified Faculty.
  2. Counselling Cell.
  3. Well Equipped Laboratory.
  4. Psychological Testing & Assessement.
  5. Internship Programme for Clinical & Industrial Case Studies.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Dr. Vijaykumar Shinde Associate Professor and HeadM.A. SET, PH.D ,Diploma in yog Shikshakak21View Profile
2.Dr. Jyotiram AwateAssistant ProfessorM.A. SET, Ph.D.14View Profile
3.Dr. Ganesh DhameAssistant professorM.A SET, Ph.D.12View Profile
4.Dr. Datta Londhe Assistant ProfessorM.A SET, Ph.D.12View Profile
5.Mr. Dattatray KhomaneAssistant professorM.A SET,NET7View Profile
  1. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
  2.  Master of Arts in Psychology .
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.Bachelor of Arts19723 Years
2.Master of Arts20102 Years
  1. Growth and Development of Human Life Span.
  2. Advaced Skills & Processes in Counseling.
  3. CBT & REBT : Basics and Application.
  4. Psychological First-Aid.
  1. Psychological Assessment & Testing.
  2. Counseling Cell.
  3. Intership Program for Clinical & Industrial Case Studies.
  • Guideship details: 
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1.Dr. Vijaykumar ShindeClinical PsychologyNil
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty  : Nil
  • Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Dr. Vijaykumar ShindeWell-being of School teachersLulu Publication, Solapur2023
2.Dr. Vijaykumar ShindeHealth Life Style management and YogaA.G.Publishing House,Bhopal,M.P.India2023
3.Dr. Datta LondheSynergies in Defence Exploring the Interplay of Science Technology Arts and CommerceBharati Publication New Delhi-1100022023


ACADEMIC CALENDAR :  2024-2025 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2023-2024 : View

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ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2021-2022  : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2020-2021 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2019-2020 : View


  1. Celebration of Suicide Prevention Day .
  2. Celebration of World Mental Health Day.
  3. Celbration of National Science Day.
  1. Spectrum energizing centre Baramati.
  2. NEA Life / CLR Skills Traning Foundation Services are workign as Person Acadamy, India(PAL) at 3rd Floor Demech House, Law College Road Pune-411004.


    1. Swarup Ahivale Qualified SET Examination.
    2. Akash kaniche Qualified Legal Assistant in department of low and judiciary government of Maharashtra.
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Ganesh Dhansing KhamgalB.A.2004MITCON Consultancy &Engg Services Ltd.Executive Vice President
2Mr. Jyotiram Namdeo AwateB.A.2007Tuljaram Chaturchand College, BaramatiAssistant Professor in Psychology
3Mr. Swarup Sanjay AhiwaleM.A2011Mudhoji College, Phaltan Dist-SataraAssistant Professor in Psychology
4Mr. Datta Vishwanath LondheM.A2012Tuljaram Chaturchand College, BaramatiAssistant Professor in Psychology
5Mr. Akash Rajeev KanicheBA2018Law and Judiciary Department Government Of MaharashtraLegal Assistant
6Mrs. Smita Bahubali ShahM.A.2020Spectrum FoundationCounselor

Head, Department of Psychology:

PG Coordinator-M.A. Psychology:

Department Social Media ID:

Economics : Department Profile
Prof. (Dr). Samadhan Patil, Professor and HoD, Dept. of Economics

Established in 1962, alongside the founding of Tuljaram Chaturchand College, the Economics Department has been a cornerstone of academic excellence. Recognized as a center for postgraduate studies in 1972, the department has played a pivotal role in advancing higher education in economics within the rural landscape, under the aegis of Savitribai Phule Pune University.

For decades, the department has attracted students not only from Baramati but also from neighboring regions such as Indapur, Purandar, and Bhor in Pune district; Phaltan and Khandala in Satara district; Karmala, Barshi, and Akluj in Solapur district; and Karjat, Jamkhed, and Rashin in Ahmednagar district. This wide reach reflects its reputation as a hub for aspiring economists and scholars.Our commitment lies in nurturing future economists, educators, planners, and responsible citizens. Recognizing our relentless efforts and academic rigor, Savitribai Phule Pune University conferred upon us the status of a Research Centre for full-time and part-time Ph.D. programs in 2021-22. This milestone underscores our dedication to fostering advanced research and scholarly pursuits in economics.

The journey of learning at our department is enriched by a vibrant tradition of guest lectures, symposia, conferences, competitions, and field visits. These activities provide students with holistic exposure, bridging theoretical knowledge with practical insights. As we look to the future, we remain steadfast in our mission to contribute to the making of a progressive India by empowering our students to become thought leaders and changemakers. Through a blend of academic rigor and experiential learning, we aim to shape individuals who will drive economic thought and societal progress.


  • To contribute to societal welfare through excellence in academic training and research.
  • To establish the department as a nationally recognized Centre of Excellence in Economics, fostering intellectual growth and impactful scholarship.


  • To design and offer academic programs that cater to both conventional and emerging fields of economics research.
  • To integrate interdisciplinary approaches within the curriculum, fostering a holistic understanding of economic challenges and solutions.
  • To enhance the academic experience through co-curricular and extra-curricular initiatives that cultivate critical thinking, values, and social responsibility.
  • To empower learners to make meaningful, universal contributions by instilling a sense of social accountability and ethical awareness.
  1. Legacy of Excellence: Among the oldest departments offering Undergraduate (since 1962) and Postgraduate (since 1972) programs under Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU).
  2. Recognized Research Centre: Approved as a Research Centre for Ph.D. programs, fostering advanced research in economics.
  3. Qualified Faculty: A team of highly qualified and recognized educators committed to academic excellence.
  4. Strong Alumni Network: A rich tradition of accomplished alumni and an established Alumni Association to strengthen ties and mentorship.
  5. Community Engagement: Active participation in extension activities to contribute to societal development.
  6. Learning Enrichment: Regular guest lectures by eminent economists and distinguished personalities to provide broader insights.
  7. Global Outlook: Organization of national and international conferences to promote scholarly exchange and discourse.
  8. Experiential Learning: Study tours designed for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical exposure.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Prof. (Dr.) Samadhan PatilProfessor & Head of the DepartmentM.A. SET, Ph.D.23View Profile
2.Dr. Sandip SableAssistant ProfessorM.A., SET, Ph.D.19View Profile
3.Dr. Chandrakant KambleAssociate ProfessorM.A., SET,NET,M.Phil., Ph.D. 14View Profile
4.Dr. Rahul DhumalAssociate ProfessorM.A. SET, M.Phil. Ph.D.14View Profile
5.Mr. Krushna KulkarniAssistant ProfessorM.A.,SET, NET13View Profile
6.Dr. Jotiram GhadageAssistant ProfessorM.A., M.Phil, Ph.D,SET17View Profile
7.Mr. Amar NandgudeAssistant Professor M.A., M.PHIL.SET. 10View Profile
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.UG- B.A. (Economics)196203
2.PG- M.A. (Economics)197202
3.PPG- Ph.D. (Economics and Banking)202105
  1. Certificate Course on Stock Market Analysis
  2. Certificate Course on Banking and Finance
  3. Certificate Course on Financial Literacy in Banking
  1. Research Center
  2. Department Library
  3. SET/NET Guidance
  • Details of Ph.D. Guides affiliated to the Research Centre
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1.Prof. (Dr.) Samadhan PatilInternational Economics and Agricultural Economics03
2.Dr. Chandrakant KamblePublic Finance and Agricultural Economics04
3.Dr. Rahul DhumalLabour Economics and EconometricsNil
4.Dr. Omkar KishteyPublic Finance and Agricultural EconomicsNil
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty :
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1.Mr. Krushna KulkarniGrowth of Rural Infrastructure in Pune DistrictBCUD, SPPURs. 1,50,000Two Years2012-14Completed
2.Mr. Krushna KulkarniAttainment of school children in Govt. vs Private SchoolsUGC-MinorRs. 45,000Two Years2012-14Completed
3.Dr. Chandrakant Kamble“A Study of economic efficiency of farmers in traditional agriculture in Pune District”BCUD, SPPURs. 80,000Two Years2013-15Completed
4.Mr. Krushna KulkarniA comparative study of public and private health careBCUD,SPPURs. 2,30,000Two Years2016-18Completed
5.Dr. Chandrakant KambleAnalysis of Profitability and Resource Use Efficiency in Onion Production among the Small and Marginal Farmers in Pune DistrictBCUD, SPPURs. 2,00,000Two Years2023-25Ongoing
  • Book Publication
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Mr. Krushna KulkarniA Comprehensive Guide to IBPS Bank POSakal Publication, PuneISBN-978-81-943261-4-4
2.Mr. Krushna KulkarniPSI-STI-ASO Sanyukt Seva Purva Pariksha MargadarashakSakal Publication, PuneISBN-978-93-89834-14-7
3.Dr. Chandrakant KambleMajor Inputs in Indian AgricultureLulu Publication, Raleigh, United StatesISBN-164-73-26478-18-4

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ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2023-2024 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2022-2023 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021-2022 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2020-2021 : View


  1. Organisation of National and International Conference
  2. Hands on Workshops and Guest Lectures
  3. Activities under MoU
  4. Lecture Series on Contemporary Issues in Economics
  5. Counselling for Competitive Examination.
  1. MOU with Rotary Club of Baramati.
  2. MOU with National Institute of Securities Markets, Navi Mumbai
  1. Appointed as Faculties in various institutions
  2. Qualified SET/NET Exams
  3. Joined Research Centres
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr.Baban Bhapkar BA & MA in Economics1981-82Ex Principal of Vishwasrao Ransing College, Walchandnagar, Kalamb, Taluka-Indapur, Dist-PuneEx Principal of Vishwasrao Ransing College, Walchandnagar Kalamb, Taluka-Indapur, Dist-Pune
2Mr. Somnath PatilBA & MA in Economics1997-98Shahebrao Shankarrao Dhamdere College, Talegaon Dhamdere, Taluka-Shirur, Dist-PuneProfessor of Economics and HoD
3Mr. Abaso ShindeBA & MA in Economics2004-05Modern College PuneAssistant Professor of Economies
4Mr.Pravin BankarBA & MA in Economics2007-08Service in Bombay High Court Branch - AurangabadAdministrative Officer
Aurangabad High Court
5Mr. Rupeshkumar Rajendra BhagwatMA in Economics2008-09Police Sub Inspector, Mumabi CityPolice Sub Inspector, Mumabi City
6Mr. Imtiyaz SayyadBA & MA in Economics2012-13HDFC AMCPortfolio Manager
7Mr.Satish SonawaneBA & MA in Economics2015-16Nivrutti Babaji Navale College of Commerce And Science, LonavalaAssistant Professor of Economics

Head, Department of Economics:

  • HOD :  Dr. Samadhan Patil
  • Email:
  • Mo.No: 9921383493/8329981700

PG Coordinator-Dept. M.A. Economics:

  • Name:  Dr. Chandrakant Kamble
  • Email :
  • Mo. No. 9405559884/8329147064

IQAC Co-ordinator Dept. Economics::

  • Name: Mr. Krushna  Kulkarni
  • Email:
  • Mo.No.: 8788933638

Research Centre Coordinator:

  • Name: Dr. Rahul Dhumal
  • Email:
  • MO. No: 9860394278 / 7447631261
Political Science : Department Profile
Dr. Hanumant Phatak, Associate Professor and HOD , Dept. of Political Science

The Department of Political Science was established with the college in 1962. A political science department in our academic institution typically encompasses a broad range of studies related to government, Politics, Public Policy. Political science departments offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs such as Bachelor of Arts (B.A. in Political Science), Master of Arts (M.A. in Political Science), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Political Science.

The department is usually staffed with lecturers who specialize in various subfields of political science, such as Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory, Political Thought, Political Process, Comparative Politics, International Politics and Relation, Foreign Policy, Public Administration, Public Policy, Political Economy and more. Faculty members often conduct research, publish scholarly articles/books and contribute to the academic discourse in their respective areas of expertise. The curriculum includes a diverse range of courses covering topics like political theory, government structures, international politics, policy analysis, political behavior, research methods and regional studies. Students may have the opportunity to delve into specialized areas based on their interests and career goals. Political science departments often emphasize research and encourage faculty and students to engage in scholarly inquiry. The extracurricular activities provide students with opportunities to engage in discussions, debates and simulations related to politics. Political science departments may host conferences, seminars, workshops and guest lecturers featuring prominent scholars, policy makers, and experts in the field. Political science departments encourage students to participate in exchange programs. Departments often provide career advising, job fairs and resources to help students transition into careers in government, public service, diplomacy, research, advocacy, consulting, law, journalism, and various other fields.

VISION:  Under the guidance of Dr. Hanumant Phatak, the department of Political Science has helped steer the career paths of many students who are strong aspirants of political science. The department was established in 1962 and has seen a success rate of 90% over the course of these decades. Dedicated and committed teachers help impart the latest and the best knowledge to the students. The department has a well-stocked library that caters to the educational needs of the students.

The Department of Political Science aspires to be a global leader in the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of critical thinking in the realm of political science. Our vision is to foster a vibrant academic community that engages with the complex and ever-evolving dynamics of politics, governance and society. We aim to empower our students, faculty, and the broader society to make informed decisions, challenge conventional wisdom, and contribute to a more just and equitable world.

MISSION: The mission of the Department of Political Science is to provide high-quality education, research, and public engagement opportunities. that cultivate an in-depth understanding of political systems, ideologies, and the impact of government policies on societies.

  1. Faculty Expertise: The department may have a diverse faculty with expertise in various subfields of political science, such as Political Theory, Political Thought, Political Process, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Public Administration and public policy.
  2. Research Opportunities: political science departments offer research opportunities for students, allowing them to work with faculty or engage in independent research projects.
  3. Departmental library: Political Science discipline English and Marathi Reference Book.
  4. Academic Programs: These could include undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as specific concentrations or majors related to political science.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Dr. Hanumant Phatak HoD and Associate ProfessorM.A.SET.,PhD.16View Profile
2Mr. Raju PandeAssistant ProfessorM.A.B.Ed., M.Phil., SET, Diploma in Journalism (DJ)10 View Profile
3Dr. Kailas ManteAssistant ProfessorM.A.,M.Phil,SET,Ph.D.9View Profile
4Mr. Ganesh PomaneAssistant ProfessorM.A B.ED, SET-View Profile
  1. Undergraduate : BA in Political Science
  1. Postgraduate MA in Political Science
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.BA19624 Years
2.MA19822 Years
  1. Human Rights
  2. Political Journalism
  • Department Library
  • Competitive Examination Guidance Centre
  • Research guidance
  • Study Tours and Field Projects
  • Vote Club
  • Internet and Computer access to students
  • E-journals
  • Research Centre details: N/A
  • Guideship details:
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1Dr. Hanumant PhatakPOLITICAL SCIENCE04
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty:- N/A
  • Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of Edited BookName and Place PublisherYear
1Dr. Hanumant PhatakModern Thinking in IndiaVanya Publication , Kanpur2022
2Leadership and Politics in MaharashtraVidhan Publication, Amravati2021
3Role of Chhatrapati Rajarshi Sahu Maharaj in nation BuildingAruna Publication, Latur2022
4Politics of MaharashtraVidhan Publication, Amravati2022
5Modern MaharashtraVidhan Publication, Amravati2022
6Indian’s Internal Security ChallengesVidhan Publication, Amravati2023
7Political Movements and Woman in MaharashtraVidhan Publication, Amravati2023

ACADEMIC CALENDAR:  2024-2025 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR:2023-2024 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR: 2022-2023 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR: 2021-2022  : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR: 2020-2021 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR: 2019-2020 : View

  • Welcome function
  • Competitive Examination Guidance Centre
  • New Voter Registration Campaign
  • Personal guidance to the students
  • community surveys
  • Social Science Lecture series
  • National Constitution Day
  • International Human Rights Day
  • National Minority Day
  • National Voter’s Day
  • IQAC Youth Festival
  • International Women’s Day
  • National and International Webinar
  • Student’s Seminars
  • Khasadara Apalya Bhetila
  • Essay Computation
  • Study tour
  1. Dept. Of Political Science,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada, Aurangabad.
  • Sachin Jagatap Qualifying SET 2019
  • Sachin Jagatap Qualifying NET 2019
  • Manisha Shendre Qualifying SET 2021
  • Tushar Jagtap Qualifying SET 2023
  • Shinde Supriya Qualifying NET 2023
  • Ganesh Bandagar Qualifying SET 2024
  • One student of the department has been selected as a Tahsildar and Deputy Superintendent of Police (DYSP).
  • Many students have been selected in the department in direct service and police recruitment.
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Amar Shankar SableB.A.1986Political Leader BJPEx- Rajya Sabha Member (14 March 2015 to 2 April 2020)
2Dr. Dattatry Chandrakant WabaleM.A.1996Shahebrao Dhamdhare College, Talegaao DhamdhareProfessor
3Prof. Anandrao KadamM.A.1989Shardabai Pawar Mahilaa Mahavidhyaly, Sharda Nager, Baramati.Ex-Voice Principal & HoD Dept. of Political Science
4Shri. Firojkhan PathanM.A.2000Junior T.C. College, Baramati.Teacher (Subject In charge)
5Mr. Suraj Vitthal JagtapB.A.2011GadchiroliTahsildar and Sub divisional Police officer Gadchiroli (DYSP
6Mr. Avinash Subhash AtoleB.A.2011T. C. College, BaramatiDirecter, Godubabbu Derari, Ravangav
7Mr. Abhjita vilas KambleM.A.2020Maharashtra PolicePolice Constable
8Mr. Satyajeet Tanaji RanavareM.A.2021New LokamtJournalist
9Mr. Tushar Anil JagatapM.A.2021Vidya Pratishthan college, BaramatiAssistant Professor

Head, Department of Political Science:

PG Coordinator Dept. of Political Science:

IQAC  Coordinator Dept. of Political Science:

Website Coordinator Dept. of Political Science:

Facebook page : Department of Political Science, T.C.College

Defence and Strategic Studies : Department Profile
Dr. Devidas Bhosale Assistant Professor and Head , Dept. of Defence and Strategic Studies

The department of Defence and Strategic Studies was established in 1974 as military studies at general level. In 1982 the subject got extended to special level. The department offers Bachelor degree in Defence and Strategic Studies. In 1984 the department was renamed as ‘Department of Defence and Strategic Studies’. Since then, it has striven to impart superlative knowledge to students who are intent on pursuing a career in the defence stream.

Our department is one among five where the Defence and Strategic Studies is taught at UG and PG levels. Department has seen a success rate of 90%. That this can be attributed to the well-trained teaching staff as well as an updated curriculum along with dedicated students goes without saying. DDSS has been building up institutional knowledge about various aspects of India’s national security. At DDSS, we acknowledge the changing nature of security and various developments at national and international level. We use interdisciplinary approach to understand various areas of discipline. We give major thrust on military geography, strategic studies, international organization, international relations, military history, defence organization and technology.  As the college has received an autonomous status, the syllabus is prepared by the departmental BOS.

VISION AND MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT: The vision and mission of Defence and Strategic Studies programme are typically designed to provide a clearsense of purpose, direction, and goals for the program.

Vision:To be a recognized canter of excellence in Defence and Strategic Studies, shaping leaders and scholars who contribute to the advancement of national security, international peace, and related areas


  1. Educational Excellence.
  2. Critical Thinking and Analysis.
  3. Ethical Leadership and Responsibility.
  4. Community Engagement and Outreach.
  5. Continual Adaptation and Innovation.
  6. Preparation for Leadership Roles.

Defence and Strategic Studies program typically covers a range of topics related to national security, military strategy, international relations, and Defence policy. The key feature of this program includes:

  1. Interdisciplinary Approach
  2. Historical Context
  3. National Security Policy
  4. Strategic Thinking and Analysis
  5. International Relations and Geopolitics
  6. Military Strategy and Tactics
  7. Terrorism and Asymmetric Warfare
  8. Nuclear Strategy and Non-Proliferation
  9. Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution
  10. Guest Lectures and Industry Experts
  11. Research and Thesis Component
  12. Site Visits and Field Trips
Sr. No.Name of the StaffDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Dr. Devidas V. BhosaleAssistant Professor & Head M.A, NET, Ph.D.05View Profile
2Mr. Amol P. LokhandeAssistant ProfessorM.A, SET, NET, Ph.D. (Pursuing)04View Profile
  • Undergraduate : 
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
  1. Strategic Leadership in Defence studies.
  2. Road Safety.
  3. Industrial Security.
  4. Fire Safety.
  1. Central Library.
  2. Central Conference and Seminar Rooms.
  3. Central Classrooms and Lecture Halls.
  4. Departmental Library.
  5. Computers with internet Facility.
  • Guideship details: NA
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty :
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1Dr. Devidas Bhosaleबारामती शहरातील सामाजिक सुसंवादावर समाज माध्यमांचा होणारा परिणाम: एक विश्लेषणात्मक अभ्यासT. C. College, Baramati1,05,000/-1 Year2023Done
  • Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1Devidas BhosaleObjective Questions in Defence and Strategic StudiesSelf-Published2018
2संरक्षण आणि सामरिक शास्त्र: वेध स्पर्धा परीक्षांचास्वरांजली पब्लिकेशन गाझियाबाद2020
3२१ व्या शतकातील जागतिक सुरक्षा आव्हानेस्वरांजली पब्लिकेशन गाझियाबाद (U.P)2021
4हवामान बदल एक जागतिक पर्यावरणीय समस्या संघटना धोरण आणि अंमलबाजवणीस्वरांजली पब्लिकेशन गाझियाबाद (U.P)2021
5समकालीन जागतिक सुरक्षेची आव्हाने: धोरण आणि रणनीतीस्वरांजली पब्लिकेशन गाझियाबाद (U.P)2021
6Valiant Indian Warrior, Philosophies, Approaches and VictoriesBharti Publication, New Delhi2021
7National and Global Security ChallengesBharti Publication, New Delhi2021
8India’s Foreign Policy Internal Security and Climate Change Challenges and the Way ForwardBharti Publication, New Delhi2021
9वैश्विक सुरक्षा चुनौतियां रणनीति और दृष्टिकोणभारती प्रकाशन नई दिल्ली2021
10भारतीय योध्दा योगदान युध्दनिती एवं सामरिक विचारभारती प्रकाशन नई दिल्ली2021
11२१वि सदीमें महिला सशक्तीकरण रणनीतियाँ एवं चुनौतियाँभारती प्रकाशन नई दिल्ली2021
1275 years of Indian Independence and Changing Nature of National SecurityBharti Publication, New Delhi2022
13Human SecurityBharti Publication, New Delhi2022
14India’s Role in SAARC: India’s Neighborhood PolicyBig Book Distributor, Noida2022
15India and Indian Ocean RegionBig Book Distributor, Noida2022
16India’s Security 21st Century Strategies and ChallengesThe Literati Council Publication Aurangabad UP2023
17Synergies in Defence: Exploring the interplay of Science, Technology, Arts and CommerceBharti Publication, New Delhi 20232023
18Contemporary Issues and Challenges: A Multidisciplinary ApproachBharti Publication, New Delhi 20232023
19Indias Global Footprint: Strategies and Challenges to Foreign PolicyBharti Publication, New Delhi 20242024
20Gender Equality and Women Rights: Empower the Marginalized VoicesBharti Publication, New Delhi 20242024
21Shattered Peace Exploring Global Conflict and Its Far-Reaching ConsequencesBharti Publication, New Delhi 20242024

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2024-25 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2023-24 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2022-2023 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2021-2022 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2020-2021 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2019-2020 : View

i) Kargil Day: Kargil Day is celebrated across the country to commemorate the victory in the 1999 Kargil War. As per the tradition of the Department of Defence and Strategic Affairs, the Department celebrates Kargil Day every year to pay tribute to the warriors of the Kargil War.

ii) Army Day: Army Day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the soldiers to safeguard the sovereignty and integrity of the nation. The department of Defence and Strategic Studies celebrates the army day every year by organizing different activities.

iii) Study Tour: The department organizes study tours that involves visit to strategic locations, organizations, or events relevant to academic curriculum which provides numerous benefits for student development.

The department of Defence and Strategic studies has signed an MOU with Centre for Human Security Studies, Hyderabad for mutually organizing events like seminars, workshops, internships and professional trainings.

1) 2016 batch Student Ganesh Gadhave Qualified SET Exam and joined as assistant professor at Dahivadi College, Dahivadi.

2) 2023 batch Student Pooja Kare Participated at National level tournament in Baseball

3) 2024 batch Student Ramesh Giramkar Participated at National level tournament in Baseball

4) 2024 batch Student Prathmesh Gaikwad Participated at National level tournament in Softball

5) 2024 batch Student Pratik Gaikwad Participated at National level tournament in Baseball

6)2024 batch Student Vishal Golde Participated at National level tournament in Baseball

7) First year Student Nikhil Galande Participated at National level tournament in Baseball.

Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Adinath Vishwanath LondheB.A.2003M. S. Kakade College, SomeshwarnagarAsst. Professor and HOD, Deptt. Of Defence and Strategic Studies
2Mr. Nitin Vinayak KhomaneB.A.2003T.C.College , (junior College Teacher) BaramatiTeacher
3Mr. Abhimanyu Gorakh KhalateB.A.2017Baramati Agro Dairy, PimpaliBack office
4Mr. Suraj Gajanan ChavanBA2019Baramati courtAdvocate
5Mr. Ganesh Balaso GadhaveB.A.2019Dahiwadi College, Dahiwadi Tal Man Dist SataraAssistant Professor
6Mr. Vishal Vitthal WabaleB.A.2020Reliance SMSL LimitedManager

Head, Department of Defence and Strategic Studies:

Social Media A/C Link:

Sociology : Department Profile
Mr. Vinayak Lashkar Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept. of Sociology

The department of sociology is established in the June 1974. Prof. S.P. Kadam was founder member of the department and he headed the department from June 1974 to 1999.Afterword Prof. Padmaja Kelkar-Prabhune took over the charge from 30th December 1999 to 2015.Then Mr. Vinayak S. Lashkar took over the charge as an Assistant Professor and Head from July 2015 to till date.

Along with the full time faculty Mr. Nitin Chavan has been working as an Assistant Professor on C.H.B basis from 19th July 2010 to till date. On the time of establishment the subject is thought as on general level and later on the special level subject was started 1982 onwards.

Scope of the Subject:

Sociology studies human interaction it seeks to explains how societies to emerge? How and why societies persist? How and why societies change? Sociology improves our understanding of society and increases the power of social action. Sociological knowledge is necessary for understanding and planning of society.


The Department of Sociology aspires to continue and to further enhance, our presence within the College, the discipline, and local and global communities.  By developing and providing a curriculum that is both rigorous and relevant to a variety of social settings and issues, we hope to attract more of the best and brightest students as we prepare them for their future careers and lives as responsible citizens.  We will continue to encourage the pursuit of scholarship and service activities by our faculty, both in local and national contexts.  We will strive to maintain a vibrant and inclusive environment where faculty, staff, and students are respected and where their contributions are fairly recognized.


The mission of the Department of Sociology is to promote scientific understandings of social life through teaching. Through providing rigorous training in disciplinary methods and theories, coupled with a diversity of substantive concentrations and educational experiences, we develop robust sociological imaginations and critical thinking in our students.  By encouraging and supporting scholarly research and activities by our faculty, we further the development of sociological knowledge and its application to important social issues.  Through a variety of service activities at the local, regional and national levels, we model for our students and others the importance of responsible community engagement.

  1. Sociology students are encouraged to participate in the Workshop, Seminar and Field Work. Though it is not mandatory, Workshop, Seminar and Field Work provide an excellent way to explore the real world of sociology outside of the classroom.
  2. Thematic areas of studies include crime and deviance, social inequality, Socialization and interaction, globalization, and social change.
  3. The Department of Sociology is to promote the professional, intellectual, and personal growth of our student members.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Mr. Vinayak LashkarAssistant Professor & HeadM.A, SET,NET, M.Phil., Ph.D (Pursuing)1) Research – 8 Yrs
2) Teaching- 8 Yrs, 4 Months
View Profile
2Mr. Nitin ChavanAssistant ProfessorM.A, B.ed. , SETTeaching – 14 Years View Profile
  1. Undergraduate – Bachelor in Arts.
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.Bachelor in Arts19744 Years
  1. Basics in Social Research
  1. Departmental Library
  2. Computer with Internet
  • Research Centre
  • Guideship details: NA
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty :NA
  • Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Vinayak LashkarWadar Samaj: Samajshastriya AbhyasHARITI Publication, Pune. ISBN No: 978-81-926483-3-0.2015
2.Vinayak LashkarVimuktanche SwatantryaParivartanacha Vatsaru, Pune, ISBN No.: 978-93-5291-986-4.2018
3.Vinayak LashkarVimukti KolahalMaitri Publication , Pune ISBN : 978-93-91636-90-62023
4.Vinayak LashkarBhatkya Vimukta Jati Jamati : Sadya Sthiti ani AvahaneMaitri Publication , Pune ISBN : 97893545163442024


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  1. IQAC Youth Festival
  2. Workshop on Mental Health
  3. Workshop on Constitution Awareness
  4. Entrepreneur Development Workshop
  5. International Human Rights Day
  6. World Population Day

Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce and JATAN Foundation recognize the value of mutual cooperation and are desirous of entering into this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate collaboration between the two institutes for academic, research and cultural activities including student mobility activities.

  1. Participated in Avishkar
  2. Participated in Workshop at SPPU, Pune
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Rahul M MoreB.A. Sociology1986Women and Child Development, Government of MaharashtraDeputy Commissioner
2Mr. Dattatray Vitthak MalshikareB.A.Sociology1986Someshwar Cooperative Sugar Factory, BaramatitiWelfare Officer
3Mr. Rajendra Baburao SonawaneB.A.Sociology1991Baramati Nagar Parishad, BaramatiSanatory Inspector
4Mr. Nitin Rajaram ChavanB.A. Sociology2004Tuljaram Chaturchand College, BaramatiAssistant Professor
5Mr. Deepak Bapurao SarodeB.A. Sociology2014Mentor Together, PuneJunior Manager
6Mr. Omkar Shivaji ToraneB.A. Sociology2020Jagruti Rehabilitation Center, Navi MumbaiCounsellor / Psychiatric Social Worker

Head, Department of Sociology:

Web Coordinator Dept. of Sociology:

Library Science : Department Profile
Mr. Deepak Munguskar Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept. of Library & Information Science

Department of Library and Information Science (LIS), Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati Autonomous  is one of the oldest department of the Savitribai Phule Pune University  imparting and supporting value based education in the area of the Library and Information Science.

Department was established in the year of 1990 with a vision to promote excellence in the field of Library Science education and to fulfil the ever increasing demand of quality professionals in the area of Library and Information Science.

The Department of Library and Information Science T.C. College , Baramati has started one year degree course in the name “Bachelor of Library and Information Science” from 1990-1991 and  ‘Masters of Library and Information Science” from 2009-2010. To meet the needs of today’s information society, curriculum is constantly adapted according to changing modern ICT based environmental developments at global level. We continue modify our curriculum and preparing next generation workforce with theories, practical and research based approach.

The department is well known for imparting quality education and also in nurturing students for holistic development. All our initiatives are a living proof of our commitment to every student’s success in his career.

Vision : 

It is the vision of the Library and Information Science Program to becoming an innovative, responsive, and moral department in the development of Library and Information Science that is able to answer the challenges of the dynamics of the information revolution and the development of society globally


  • To impart quality higher education in Library and Information Science.
  • To provide ingenious teaching and learning methods in Library and Information Science education.
  • To impart skill based training with aptitudes for meeting the needs of global information society.
  • To serve as catalyst for development of Library & Information Science education and to contribute creating job opportunities for unemployed youths of the country.
  1. Department Library
  2. Qualified and experienced faculty
  3. Practical and skill based courses
  4. Field Project and study tours
  5. Community Engagement and Extension Activities
  6. SET/NET Guidance
  7. Career Guidance Cell
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Mr. Deepak MunguskarHOD & Assist ProfessorM.A.M.Lib.I.Sc.13View Profile
2.Miss. Kajol KolekarAssist ProfessorBA.M.Lib.I.Sc.04View Profile
  1. Lib.I.Sci. (Undergraduate)
  2. Lib.I.Sci. (Postgraduate)
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.Lib.I.Sc.19901 Year
2.M.Lib.I.Sc.20091 Year

LIS-452-MJM  Knowledge Organization Classification: Practical

LIS-453-MJM  Information Processing Cataloguing: Practical

LIS-454-MJM  Information Technology :Practical

  1. Central Library.
  2. Central Classrooms and Lecture Halls.
  3. Computers with internet Facility
  4. Departmental Library.
  5. Study Tours and Field Projects
  1. Research Centre details : NIL
  2. Guideship details: NIL
  3. Research projects sanctioned to faculty : NIL
  4. Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Mr. Deepak MunguskarNew Horizons’ in A Academic LibraryKnowledge World Publication Beed2021
2.Miss. Kajol KolekarMobile Based Application and ServicesKnowledge World Publication ,Beed2021
3.Miss. Kajol Kolekar"Granthalay Vachan Sahitya Surkshitata"Vidya Varta 2019

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Department actively participate in various extracurricular activities and encourage the students to take part in some regular activities through out the year.

  • Celebration of Dr. .R.Ranganathan’s Birth Anniversary on 12th August by presenting a Seminar on the life and work of  Dr.  S.R.  Ranganathan.
  • Teachers Day celebration on 5th September
  • Field visit to local libraries
  • Remedial course to improve communication skills in English
  • Guest lectures
  • Display of Headlines of newspapers.
  • Compilation of Bibliography.
  • Preparation of News-paper Clipping Project.
  • Orientation to the Profession of Librarianship by showing video films


  1. The department has an exclusive meritorious tradition. Every year our students hold the merit position in SPPU rank list.
  2. Presently 78 students have cleared NET/SET exam and five out of them have also cleared JRF (UGC).
  3. 1 student have completed M.Phil. and PhD and are doing extremely well in their professional life.
  4. More than 700 students have passed out from the department and are well placed in various libraries all over Maharashtra, India and abroad also.
Sr.No.Name of Outgoing StudentPosition HeldName of Placed InstituteClassContact No.
1Mr. Anant WaghZonal OfficerRRRLF Ministry of Culture, Govt. Of IndiaM.Lib.I.Sc.9890557432
2Mr. Narendra WaghLibrary and Information Assistant Government Defence OrganizationIndian Navy MumbaiM.Lib.I.Sc.8087637075
3.Mr.Rahul DevokateLibrarianPunyashlok Ahiladevi Holkar Govt. Medical College ,BaramatiM.Lib.I.Sc.9561876007
4Mr. Vinayak ShindeLibrarianVishvasrao Ransing College ( Arts, Commerce & Science) College Kalamb –WalchandnagarM.Lib.I.Sc.8605558825
5.Mr. Sonali SalveLibrarianJawahar Navodya Vidyalaya Gir Somnath ,GujaratM.Lib.I.Sc.8421445660
6.Mr.Ganesh DaradeBibliographerGovt. Medical College ,AlibagM.Lib.I.Sc.9623308966
7.Mr. Kundlik TakaleLibrary AssistantSavitribai Phule Pune University Jaykar LibraryM.Lib.I.Sc.9823192770
8.Mr. Yogesh RautLibrary AssistantMES’S Institute of Management and Career Courses (IMCC) PuneM.Lib.I.Sc.9604800491
9.Ms.Shital WanveLibrary AssistantDefense Institute of Advanced Technology, PuneM.Lib.I.Sc.8380868832
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Anat Vishnu WaghM.Lib.I.Sc.2011RRRLF , Ministry of Culture, Govt. of IndiaZonal Officer
2Mr. Narendra Haribhau WaghM.Lib.I.Sc.2011INDIAN NAVY Govt of Defense OrganisationLibrary and Information Assistant
3Mr. Kundlik Dada TakaleM.Lib.I.Sc.2011Savitribai Phule Pune UniversityLibrary Attendant
4Mr. Yogesh Vitthal RautM.Lib.I.Sc.2015MES'S Institute of Management and Carrier Courses (IMCC) PuneLibrary Assistant
5Mr. Vinayak Raghunath ShindeM.Lib.I.Sc.2016Vishwasrao Ransing College Kalamb WalchandnagarLibrarian
6Miss. Sonali Milind SalveM.Lib.I.Sc.2020Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Gir Somnath GujratLibrarian

Head, Department of Lib and Info. Sci.:

Yoga : Department Profile
Dr. Ramchandra Jagtap Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept. of Yoga

The department of yoga has been managing well under the guidance of Prof R D Jagtap who takes care to keep everything up-to-date. The department itself was set up in 1989 and since then it has offered a strong foundation for students wishing to pursue yoga as their academic and career passion.

The department has committed teaching staff and is equipped with the latest journals and books to help students stay level with their peers across the country. A success rate of 92% is simply a reflection of the efforts put into this department.

Vision: To establish the Department of Yoga as a global center of excellence in holistic health and well-being, fostering physical, mental, and spiritual harmony through the ancient wisdom of yoga integrated with modern scientific research.


  1. Promote Holistic Health: To advance the practice and understanding of yoga as a tool for achieving physical health, mental balance, and spiritual growth
  2. Educational Excellence: To offer high-quality academic and professional programs in yoga, blending traditional practices with evidence-based approaches.
  3. Community Engagement: Making yoga accessible to diverse communities through workshops, outreach programs and collaborations, promoting sustainable and inclusive fitness.
  1. Well Qualified Faculty
  2. Yoga Centre
  3. Extension services for Society
  4. Yoga therapy and wellness Program
Name of the StaffQualificationDesignationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Dr. Ramchandra JagtapM.A. (Psy), M.A. (Yoga), B.Ed., C.C.Yoga, D.N.Yoga, M.Phil., Ph.D.Assistant Professor25View Profile
2Mr. Pranit WableHead & Assistant ProfessorM.A. Sankrit, M.A. Lexicography, M.A. Yogshastra2View Profile

The Department of Yoga currently offers Yoga as a general subject for FY, SY, and TY students, as well as an Open Elective and Co-curricular courses for FY and SY students under the NEP-2020 pattern.

  1. Yoga for Stress Management
  2. Certificate course in Yoga Education
  3. Meditation for Health
  4. Yoga and Wellness
  5. Yoga and Health
  • Yogdham ( Yoga Centre)
  •  Yoga Mats
  • Body Mass index Counting Machine
  • Blood Pressure Measuring Machine
  • Jala Neti and Sutra Neti

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  • Celebration of World Yoga Day
  •  Prayer and Omkar Chanting

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  1. Poonam Rasal completed a Master’s in Yoga at Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Sr. No.Full NameDegree Taken From T.C. CollegeYear of PassingCurrently working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Ms. Rasal Punam RajuBachelor of Arts2021Department of Yoga Savitribai Phule Pune University, PuneTrainer, Instructor, Demonstrator
2Mr.Pandhare Abhishek RameshBachelor of Arts2023MIT KothrudYoga Trainer
3Mrs. Gadekar Pooja SameerBachelor of Arts2011Podar International School, Bandalwadi, BaramatiYoga Trainer

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Head, Department of Yoga:

Philosophy and Logic : Department Profile
Mr. Krushnat Nagare Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept of Philosophy And Logic

‘Teaching and Learning Philosophy’ was urban fashion, In 2019 Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati started a department of Philosophy and Logic with the aim of providing rich knowledge of the subject philosophy & logic to rural students.Philosophy is considered to be the mother of all sciences or branches of knowledge.

Arts faculty studies various dimensions of human life, society, and culture. The direct or indirect contribution of philosophy in the constitution of all these is very great. Seen from this perspective, the study of philosophy is foundational for an overall study of arts faculty. The main objective of this College is to introduce this subject to you and to make you understand its significance.

Philosophy as a subject is mammoth by itself and studying it develops one’s thinking and reasoning about issues of society, human relationship to the human-created environment, and the world around. It develops one’s skills in argumentation. It also helps one to confront the hidden assumptions of other disciplines, and it concretes the foundation of all the disciplines of the present and of the future. Philosophy encourages intellectual values like open-mindedness, tolerance of different opinions, etc.

The department believes that ‘Philosophy responds to intellectual challenges posed by society and by the acquisition and organization of knowledge worldwide. It reflects on current practices in the light of past performances while seeking to develop new perspectives on current problems.’

The objectives of the department are set in tune with this empirical belief

Currently Department provides the following courses for UG Students-

Introduction to Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Yog Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Ancient Indian Philosophical Knowledge, Philosophy of Indian Saint, Indian & Western Philosophy, Jain Philosophy, Deductive & Indicative Logic Formal Logic, Logical Reasoning & Symbolic Logic

Mission :

To advance the study of philosophy by conducting original philosophical research and by providing students with the philosophical education necessary for them to develop a firm foundation in the liberal arts as well as strong ethical, creative, and critical thinking skills. The department is committed to fostering student engagement with historically important philosophical debates, developments in contemporary philosophy, and applications of philosophical ideas in all areas of life.

Vision : 

The Department of Philosophy will be essential to The College students’ education in rigorous, analytical thinking about issues across the curriculum, including not only those that arise within the discipline of philosophy, but also philosophical issues in such other areas as the arts, the sciences, business, engineering, and the legal and medical professions. The Department will advance philosophical understanding and debate through both teaching and the production of high-quality original scholarly research

  1. Qualified and experienced faculty
  2. skill based courses
  3. study tours
  4. Guidance for Inter-disciplinary Research
  5. Innovative Syllabus
  6. The Department of Philosophy is to promote the professional, intellectual, and personal growth of our students.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Mr. Krushnat NagareHead & Assistant ProfessorM.A., SET12View Profile
  1. Undergraduate – Bachelor in Arts
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.Bachelor in Arts20193/ 4 years
  1. Computer With Internet
  2. Rich Library Collection
  3. Study Tours
  4. Certificate Courses
  • Guideship Details: NA
  • Research Projects Sanctioned to Faculty : NA
  • Book Publication: NA

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  1. World Philosophy Day
  2. Seminars/workshops
  3. IQAC Youth Festival
  4. Personal guidance to the students
  5. Study tours
  6. Remedial Coaching and bridge courses



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Head, Department of Philosophy & Logic:

Sanskrit : Department Profile
Mr. Pranit Wable Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept. of Sanskrit

The Department of Sanskrit established in the academic year 2019-20. The Department of Sanskrit aims at providing a chance for students to learn Sanskrit in a friendly environment and making everyone aware of our rich Indian culture.

Currently Department provides following courses for UG Students-

  • संस्कृत प्रवेश १
  • संस्कृत प्रवेश २
  • संस्कृत परिचय १
  • संस्कृत परिचय २
  • संस्कृत प्रबोध १
  • संस्कृत प्रबोध २
  • Certificate Course in Sanskrit Grammar
  • Certificate Course in संस्कृत भाषेचे अंतरंग

Sanskrit is a standardised dialect of Old Indo-Aryan, having originated in the second millennium BCE as Vedic Sanskrit and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European. As the oldest Indo-European language for which substantial written documentation exists, Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies.

The body of Sanskrit literature encompasses a rich tradition of poetry and drama as well as scientific, technical, philosophical and religious texts. The compositions of Sanskrit were orally transmitted for much of its early history by methods of memorization of exceptional complexity, rigour, and fidelity. Thereafter, variants and derivatives of the Brahmi script came to be used.

The study of Sanskrit Language and literature encompasses a rich tradition of poetry and drama as well as scientific,technical and philosophical texts. Knowledge of Sanskrit is a marker of educational attainment of modern India.

The relevance and importance of Sanskrit is not just restricted to culture and academics. Introduction of concepts such as yoga, Vedas, vaastu shastra, astrology, ayurveda and drama shows that it is not just about learning the language or literature but also about tracing and studying the connection between various areas and Sanskrit.

A study in Sanskrit can open up a vast number of career possibilities. These are:

  • Academics are one of the most popular career choices. Most schools of India offer Sanskrit as an optional language and one can become a Sanskrit teacher. One can also teach Sanskrit in colleges. In addition to this are the various research options in the Sanskrit language.
  • The Sanskrit courses do not only teach the language but also include the vast treasure trove of wisdom that is penned in this language. Hence, one can specialise in subjects like yoga, vaastu shastra, poetics, Indian drama, Vedic studies, astrology and Ayurveda. Vast scope of research as well as jobs exists in these fields.
  • People specialising in Sanskrit courses can also pursue a career in civil service. Law is another popular choice.
  1. Expert Faculty
  2. Guidance for Inter-disciplinary Research
  3. Innovative Syllabus
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Mr. Pranit Wable Head & Assistant ProfessorM.A. Sanskrit, M.A. Lexicography, M.A. Yogshastra2View Profile

Currently, The Department of Sanskrit offers Sanskrit subject at general level for FY, SY & TY and OE subject for FY students under NEP-2020 pattern.

  1. Certificate Course in Sanskrit Grammar
  2. Certificate Course in संस्कृत भाषेचे अंतरंग.
  1. Computer
  2. Rich Library Collection


Poster Presentation- Under this activity, students are guided to create an attractive and informative poster on various topics related to Sanskrit.

Sanskrit Katta- This activity is organised to increase students participation in the departmental activities. Under this activity, programs like ‘Interview of Young Sanskrit Scholar’, Guest Lecture, Discussion Forum are included.

Along with above mentioned activities, Students are always motivated to participate in various activities organised by other colleges.


Head, Department of Sanskrit: