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Opportunity for OBC Students to become GST Assistant

student CORNER

विद्यापीठ प्रतिनिधी २०२३ -२४
मुले - श्री. पांढरे सौरभ सुरेश (मुलांमधून ) (M.Sc.(Inorganic Chemistry-2) Roll No 16083)
मुली - कु होले धनश्री संदीप (मुलींमधून ) (M. Sc.(Physics-1) Roll No. 16263)

student's councils

As per Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 the formation of Students’ Council is mandatory for every affiliated college & recognized institution of Savitribai Phule Pune University. The Students’ Council in the college is constituted as per the provisions 40 (2) (b) and one student representative is selected as the Secretary under the sub-section 3 of Section 40 of Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994.

Under the provisions of Section 40 (2) (b) of the Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 and Board of Students’ Welfare Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune – 7 Ref. No.: SW/ 2015-16/115, there shall be a Students’ Council in the affiliated college consisting of the following members:

1) Principal / Director – Chairman 

2) One Lecturer, nominated by the Principal

3) Teacher in-charge of National Cadet Corps 

4) National Service Scheme Programme Officer 

5) One student from each class, who has shown academic merit at the examination held in the preceding year and who is engaged in fulltime studies in the College nominated by the Principal or Director 

6) Director of Sports and Physical Education, if any 

7) One student from each of the following activities, who has shown outstanding performance, nominated by the Principal, namely:-

i. Sports 

ii. National Service Scheme and Adult Education 

iii. National Cadet Corps 

iv. Cultural Activities 

8) Two lady student members nominated by the Principal/Director 


(Provided that two of the students from the categories (7) and (8) shall be those belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Denotified Tribes (VimuktaJatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Classes.) One Lecturer to be nominated by thePrincipal from the category (2) may preferably be a Students’ Welfare Officer (SWO). 

As per sub-section 5 of Section 40 of Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 a student shall be eligible to be, or continue to be, a member of any of the Students’ Council, only if he/she is enrolled as a full time student.

The University Representative is elected among the class representatives, principal nominated members and various Co-curricular activities nominated members through the proper election procedure and norms which are displayed in advance on student’s notice boards. The selection procedure is conducted through the Election Officer appointed by the principal. The elected University Representative is the representative of all college students in various curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. His/her tenure is only for one academic year.