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Eco-friendly Campus

The college conducts a green audit with special focus on tree plantation, energy conservation, water conservation, waste management and pollution control. The faculty and students are actively engaged in developing environmental awareness through slogans, street plays, rallies, observing World Geography Day, No Vehicle Day, offering saplings and books to the guests invited for various functions and programmes in the college.

Water Harvesting :

Considering the scarcity of water, a large number of students in the college and huge campus of the college, the college has been adopting a water management system.

Rain Water Harvesting Project

Baramati faces a problem of a very less rain fall as it lies in a rain shadow zone. Low rainfall and the scarcity of water necessitate the college for the best management of available water on the campus. Rain water harvesting projects are undertaken by the college to make maximum use of rain water

E- Waste management :

The damaged or out-dated computers, CDs and other e-equipment’s are sorted out and sent to the college central store. These e-equipment’s are sold out by means of a tendering process.

Vermicompost Unit :

Vermicompost unit is developed and monitored by the department of Botany. The garden and laboratory waste is used to feed the earthworms. Vermicompost produced in the unit is used as a fertilizer for the plants and trees in the college garden. It helps to keep the campus eco-friendly.

Biogas unit :

Biogas unit is installed with a purpose to manage kitchen and canteen waste.