Academic Notices
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Opportunity for OBC Students to become GST Assistant



Director: Dr. Sachin B. Kulkarni

(M.Sc., Ph.D. Post Doc.)

Centre for innovative and applied Research (CIAR) has been established to encourage the students and faculty members to undertake quality research work to address societal, state, national and global challenges. The CIAR is responsible for the development and implementation of research strategy of the institute. It assists to formulate strategic planning for research and executing the plan. It Co-ordinates academic management of the research of the institute as a whole, encourages faculty and departments to increase research grant from different funding organization in India, encourages national/internationals Collaborations.  The Centre encourages faculty members to participate in research activities, publish their work and participate in national and international conferences to present the research data and generate new concepts in the emerging areas in the form of  research outputs (as defined by research patents, papers, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings etc.).


  • Provide infrastructure, research equipment, and capacity building that will support the conduction of research and development of innovations in the institution for multidisciplinary research.
  • To Promote shared responsibility, the ethical conduct of research, and compliance
  • Enhances researchers’ abilities to obtain and accomplish grants
  • To create integrated services, transparent research administration, infrastructure, and streamlined processes
  • To enhance the ability to perform research in thrust areas for community
  • To partner with the research community to create a culture of high achievement
  • To strategically invest in promising research and researchers
  • To provide guidance to student group under the mentorship of the Centre.
  • Encourage faculty, students, and research scholars to conduct research through independent or Ph.D. driven projects and disseminate the results through publication in journals and conferences.
  • Collaborate with government and non-government organizations through funded and independent projects that are aimed towards the advancement of research and development.
  • Partner with industries for consultancy projects and engage in research that will result in innovations and intellectual property rights. 




Research at institute level has been recognized as the primary activity to enhance teaching-learning process, and also to develop a unique identity as an institution that has committed itself to address societal issues through application of Science and Technology. The CIAR aims to continuously coordinate with various funding agencies, R&D institutions, industries and faculty members to facilitate for undertaking innovative research in cutting-edge areas of application and social relevance.

·         Promote research and consultancy at institute level.

·         Facilitate interaction with external agencies like industries, government funding bodies.

·         Create multiple research thematic areas.

·         Significantly increase number of quality publications in refereed journals / conferences and intellectual property rights (IPR)

·         Assist faculty along with research scholars to write R&D proposals for external funding. 

Develop innovative products in the institute and exhibit those products at national level competitions.