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Youth festival

Flow chart of organization of IQAC Yuva Mahotsav

  • Principal frames BSD and IQAC committees in the previous academic year.
  • In the beginning of the
    Academic year BSD committees and IQAC committee tentatively decide the week to
    organize IQAC Mahotsav.
  • Two weeks before the IQAC Mahotsav again rigorous meeting with HOD, BSD, IQAC and Student council member are conducted to discuss the  following points.  ·       
  1. Day and dates of IQAC Mahotsav. 
  2. Frame of IQAC Mahostav committee
  3. Type of various activity organization. 
  4. Special committee for IQAC.
  • Afterwards students, faculty
    and nonteaching staff are made aware of the IQAC Mahotsav through notices,
    students what’s app and Telegram group .
  • Students register themselves
    to participate in activities.
  • Results of the events/ competitions are declared on the same day. Winners receive cash prizes and Certificates.


IQAC Youth Festival 2023